I Respect Music.
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Support the American Music Fairness Act!
Representatives Ted Deutch (D-FL), Darrell Issa (R-CA), and a bipartisan group of cosponsors recently introduced H.R.4130, the American Music Fairness Act. The American Music Fairness Act would close a loophole that has allowed terrestrial radio broadcasters to go nearly a century without paying performers for their work.
The American Music Fairness Act would require broadcasters to compensate artists just like every other music distribution platform while protecting small, local radio stations.
Tell Congress now is the time to end this unfairness in our industry. Send a message to your representatives today and urge them support H.R. 4130, the American Music Fairness Act.
The United States is the only democratic country in the world where artists don’t get paid for radio airplay.
Only Iran, North Korea, and China share the United States’ position on this issue.
As a result of not paying their artists for radio airplay here in the United States, other democratic countries aren’t paying American artists in their countries.